Τετάρτη 5 Φεβρουαρίου 2014

1st Meeting in Estonia

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1st Meeting in Estonia 
1 – 8 November 2008 in NPO Agathe, 
Tartu Catholic School

The first meeting in Estonia was successful. The NPO Agathe, Tartu Catholic School organized very well the whole program and we followed it apsolutly. We are thenkful to Mrs. Diana Jezierska, the Headmistress Mrs. Liivi Lõhmus and the whole Comenius team for their perfect work for all the participants and the children. The families who hosted our pupils were perfect also too.

1. All the partners present their countries and schools with power point presentations and DVDs and local traditional dances and music. 

 2. We had the possibility to visit the NPO Agathe, Tartu Catholic School in Estonia, a lot of sights of Tartu area (museums and other intresting places).

 3. We organized the next meetings and the pupils participation.
 4. We organized the teachers exchanges for the whole project.

 5. About the meetings we discussed and agreed on the folowing proposals:
  • Transportation from the city where is the airport to the city/town of the meeting is payed from the budget of the visitors.
  • About the whole program is responsible the hosting country.
  • The whole program and responsibility of it by hosting country is payed from the budget of the hosting country.
  • Hotels, dinners i restaurants for the teachers etc. Is payed from the budget of the visitors.
  • Hosting families are covering the expancies of visitng children.
  • Keeping the accomodation as low as possible (it depends from country to country) is helping to fulfill the real aims of the project (aims: to involve pupils, teachers and associated partners through meetings, courses and workshops, activities to improve the quality of teaching and learning
6. We discussed and agreed to prepare each participant school a common “Open day of our school and community”. In this day we will organize activities has to do with our project. This Open Day will be on the end of the each school year – total two times.

 7. We will create a common website and blogspot where will be all the info about our project.
Our aim of our workshops during the project is to start from the beginning «0».
Fairytales Religion Symbols Calendar
Riddles Games Language (alphabet - development) Landscape
Music, development, instruments Traditions Common words, Proverbs, idioms Celebrations
Art (paintings, what kind, development) Dances Theatre Education
Nature Food, drinks Animals Young people
Human life Festivals Healing (herbs believes) Climate

Workshops till March 2009

·                    Dictionary of words and phrase

Pupils choose 20 words or phrases consider important in their language
After this it will be possible to compare linguistic priorities in each language
·                    Film (max 15 min) a day in the life of a pupil

Daily routine -Meals - Clothes - Activities after school - Music - Family life - School subjects/timetable
·                    Presentation of the country (max 10 min)
·                    Presentation of the school (max 10 min)

·                    Presentation of the educational system (max 15 min) the headmasters

·                    Presentation of results of our cultural research (Relevant for the final product of our project)
·                    Our calendar

- Celebrations, religion, local traditions, music, national/regional holidays
- Origins, descriptions, relevance for cultural/πολιτιστική identity
·                    Aims

To experience more about one’s own culture - To gain awareness of the rich cultural heritage of one’s own country, preserving it - To learn about their cultural respecting them - To find differences and similarities bridges over waters far away!

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