Τετάρτη 5 Φεβρουαρίου 2014

The history of our workshops and our activities

The history of our workshops and our activities

         In September 2008 the above school team began its partnership in order to fulfill the aims and targets which were posed according to the application of programming.
       By virtue of the fact that there was no preparative meeting before the beginning of the program (the whole application was written with absolute agreement among the coordinators of the participant schools) it was decided that a lot of details as far as the organizing is concerned should be discussed during the first meeting of the Comenius project in Tartu, Estonia.

       Before the first meeting a list of the holidays of each school was created so that we could finalize the dates of the following meetings and the teachers’ exchanges as well. 

1st Meeting in Estonia 1  8 of Nov 2008
We programmed the whole project. We found the dates for the meetings and the teacher exchanges. We discussed about the “Open days”. We decided for our common website & Blogspot. We decided that our aim of our workshops during the project is to start from the beginning «0». So, according to the following table which we created altogether, we decided about the topics of all the workshops. During each meeting we chose a group of topics and we had to work with these until next meeting. During the next meeting, we had to present our products and of course evaluate them. All the partners present their countries and schools with power point presentations and DVDs and local traditional dances and music. We organized the next meetings and the pupils’ participation. We organized the teachers’ exchanges for the 1st year. 

Teacher exchange  1st year
In Lithuania 24 - 31 Jan. 2009
In Greece 14 - 21 Febr. 2009  
In Germany 14 - 21 Febr. 2009
The teachers’ exchanges and the attendance of school classes give the opportunity to teachers to have the “perfect” experience of the way of teaching, the organization and function of the partner schools.

2nd Meeting in Italy   21 - 28  of Mar 2009 
Presentations of the country -Presentations of our school - Presentations of our school year calendar with all the celebrations, religious days, local traditions, national and regional holidays - Presentations of our educational systems and the school organizing - Film for the day life of a pupil in each participant country, and a Dictionary with words and phrases in 6 languages. 

3rd Meeting in Turkey  30 May – 6 June 2009
(Questionnaire on the results of the first films and presentations) We discussed the comments from our pupils on the first film about the everyday life of a pupil from each country. - (Acting the legend) We presented the films with a legend – myth from each country. - (Dictionary) We presented the illustrated cards which we created with the words from our common dictionary and the way we used to work with it.

4th Meeting in Lithuania  17 – 24 of Oct 2009 
We discussed about the films – legends processing. We discussed about the feedback of the legends. Project meeting for teachers and students (Presentation of herbarium).     

Teacher exchange 2nd year
In Italy 28 Nov. – 5 Dec 2009  
In Turkey  5 - 12 Dec 2009  
In Estonia  23 Jan. – 30 Jan 2010

5th Meeting in Germany 20 – 27 of Mar 2010
We presented and discussed about the herbarium processing. We discussed about the feedback of the herbariums. We presented to teachers and students meals from all the participant countries and then we cooked all the above in the school kitchen and taste it. We created illustrated cards A6 with 5 proverbs and 5 riddles or metaphors. We discussed about the final report and the final products. 

6th Meeting in Greece  8 – 15 of May 2010
All the countries presented their dances and games and we learned all together. Except this webpage we created for our final product a DVD with all the activities during our project, a lot of material, like films, illustrated cards, calendars, dried herbariums, maps of our countries etc. Finally we created an exhibition with posters - maps from all the participant countries. 

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